Mel’s Community
Bike Shop

Buy a refurbished bike, used parts, repair your bike using our tools during our DIY hours, buy and build up one of our “as is” bikes or take an adult bike repair class. Your purchase supports our youth programs.


FIx Your Own Bike

Need to use tools? Want to figure out how to adjust your brakes? Already know how to do everything, but can’t fit a repair stand in your apartment? You’re in luck! Our DIY community workshop, also known as Bike Church, has everything you need to get the job done.

Buy a Refurbished Bike

Our refurbished bikes are priced from $175, rehabbed by a professional mechanic, have a 30-day warranty — and your purchase supports our youth programs.

We also sell repair parts (like tire levers, patch kits, inner tubes, and chains) and bike accessories (like lights, locks, and helmets). We do not offer bike repair services but you can fix your own bike during our DIY Bike Church hours.

Take a Bike Repair Class

Our Basic Bicycle Repair course for adults is a great way to begin learning how to repair and maintain your bike yourself, or to brush up on rusty repair skills. The class meets weekly for a month. Lessons typically include: flat repair, parts of the bike and bike fit, care and feeding of your brakes, shifting, and an introduction to overhauling bearings. More advanced procedures can be covered on request. Participants are encouraged to bring their own bikes and friends.

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Do-It-Yourself Shop Hours aka “Bike Church”

- Every Tuesday & thursday, 6:30PM - 9:00PM
- 1st saturday of the month, 3pm-6pm
- 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, 6:30PM - 9:00PM
(Women /Trans /Non-Binary Only)


Use our tools to fix your bike

We make our professional bike shop accessible to the public. Imagine you are able enter the repair zone of your favorite bike shop and get work to on your bike with the advice and support of the shop mechanics. That's what Bike Church is all about. We have specialty bike tools and repair stands available for use. We sell used bikes, parts and some new items as well (tubes, chains etc.). All sales support NBW's youth programs.

What if I don't know how to fix my bike?

You're in luck! There are volunteers available to help you figure out what is broken and how to fix it. Don't be afraid to ask a volunteer for help - that's exactly why they are there!

Is there a fee?

Bike Church is a donation-based program. We don't charge an hourly rate for a repair stand or for tool use. Instead, we ask Bike Church patrons to pay what they can and do a quick chore before they leave. It has been working for nearly 20 years.

Do I need to make a reservation?

No, just be sure to come during our Bike Church hours listed above.

Can I buy a bike at Bike Church?

Yes, our refurbished bike rack is available for the public to test ride used bikes. We also sell bikes in "as-is" condition. These bikes we usually need repair work before they can be ridden. You can use our shop to make those final repairs. Or, if you are strapped for time, we encourage you to take it to another local bike shop for repairs. At present, we are not able to do repair work for individuals.

Wednesday is Women and Trans Night

Wednesday Bike Church is limited to those identifying as women or transgender, which includes all gender identities beyond cisgender, i.e. transgender, genderqueer, nonbinary, genderfluid, and so on. We hold this space for women/trans/queer people in an effort to make cycling more accessible to women/trans/queer folks who may find all gender shops unwelcoming or unsafe. This program is run by and for women and trans riders. 





tuesday, thursday, and friday

12pm - 4pm

we offer minor same-day service and sell “refurbished” and “as-is” bikes as well as new and used parts and accessories. SEE OUR FULL LIST OF REPAIRS BELOW.

We have many “refurbished” and “as-is” bikes for sale! Come visit us during our shop or bike church hours to see our complete inventory!

Our refurbished bikes are rehabbed by a professional mechanic and have a 30-day warranty — and your purchase supports our youth programs!

Our “as-is” bikes are sold in the condition in which we receive them. Some need a lot of work while others are nearly road ready. Take your “as-is” bike to one of Philly’s many great full-service bike shops, or learn to restore it yourself during our DIY open shop, Bike Church! “As-is” bikes typically range from $25-$150.

our services…

See our full list of services below. We are happy to provide a number of essential services, but we are not equipped to handle extensive repairs like tune-ups. If you need more work than what we can offer during our sales & professional service hours, we encourage you to join us for Bike Church, where you can learn to service your own bike, or we will gladly help you find your nearest full-service bike shop.

a note on our warranty and return policy…

Warranty work and returns must be performed by a staff mechanic. Staff mechanics are present during our “Sales and Professional Service” hours. If you are not able to come at those times, please email us at, and we will gladly arrange a time to assist you with warranty work or a return.



Adult Bike Repair Class

Our introductory Bicycle Repair course for adults is a great way to begin learning how to service and maintain your bike yourself or to brush up on rusty repair skills.  Lessons typically include: flat fixes, brake setup and adjustment, drivetrain maintenance, bearing adjustments, and wheel truing. The class meets weekly for four consecutive weeks and consists of both lectures and hands-on learning.  We encourage you to bring your own bike, but we can provide demo bikes upon request.  The registration fee is $125. 
Our April class will meet the following Fridays from 5:00 -7:30: April 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th.

We hope you'll join us!

Please note...
- We cannot accommodate e-bikes or other motorized bikes in our course at this time.
- The registration form will close when all 8 spots have been filled.
- You will be required to complete a safety waiver before beginning the course.
- If you have registered for the course and are no longer able to attend, please notify us at least one week before the start of the class.  Late cancellations will not be eligible for a refund.

Have questions?  Please email us at

The most important things I learned were the hands-on experiences with repairing tubes and adjusting derailleur limits and indexing.”

”I found [the class] very hands-on and being able to see problems and solutions visually was very helpful.”

”I liked having the opportunity to practice things on my own bike — I think this is the way I learn techniques and skills the best!
— Class Evaluations
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